Lavished Upon and Lovely

Have you ever had the opportunity to just sit in the presence of God without distraction, unwanted noise and in complete stillness? There is nothing like the presence of God that can just rush over you like a rushing wind.

Tonight, I had the opportunity before the end of the evening to sit and watch a women’s conference online that truly touched my heart. The conference was entitled “Lovely” in which it was all devoted to the idea that God looks down on His daughters as lovely and without blemish. It is so hard for women to truly remain open to the idea that God’s view of us remains lovely despite our imperfections. Lets face it, we, more than men, focus on our flaws so much that we cannot see past them. For this reason, it is difficult for us to comprehend the idea that God’s view of us is always pure, lovely and radiant regardless of our circumstances.


“Lovely,” according to the dictionary means “having beauty that appeals to the emotions as well as to the eye.”

To think that the God of the Universe looks down and sees beauty when His eyes catch mine amazes me. It is so hard to understand but the truth is, God cannot be understood and is not meant to be. He is the I Am. He is, was and always will be. We can’t look past tomorrow and to think that God already has our plans written in His book? What a mystery…

His mysterious love for us as His daughters as well as His sons creates draw to His presence. In His presence we are made lovely in His eyes. To Him, there is no greater beauty than the radiance of His children. That is why He chooses to bless us in ways we can’t even explain because His view of us is nothing short of lovely.

Outpouring His blessings upon us is something that He never fails to do. Another word that has caused me to ponder God’s image of me has to do with the way that He pours out His love on those He does love.

“Lavish,” according to the dictionary is “immoderate in giving or bestowing.”

  To lavish someone is to cover them fully. What a way to describe the Father’s love toward us, lavish. He lavishes His love upon us on a daily basis. Lavish is such a meaningful word to describe just what God does to His daughters and sons. He lavishes His love upon us so mightily that often times, the stress of our problems or current struggles seems to fade away. It’s His presence that makes all the difference. It’s His presence that causes a lavishing of not only His love but His joy, peace, stillness and constant provision. God chooses to lavish those things upon us when we choose to spend time acknowledging His constant companionship.

Without time spent in His presence, the words lavish and lovely take on the human definition without finding the true meaning. Lavish and lovely are two words that God uses in a very powerful way to abundantly bless and open hearts to the power of His Spirit.

Colossians 3:1

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”

To know that we are Lovely in the eyes of our Creator and that because of His lovely image of us, He chooses to lavish that love upon us is such a mystery.

Daily, I choose to walk through His mysterious love as He lavishes His blessings upon each step of my faith journey.

I am lovely and lavished upon by the King.